MAPPING L.A. > Westside
- 37,705 population in 2000, according to the U.S. Census
- 40,885 population in 2008, based on L.A. Department of City Planning estimates.
- 3.17 square miles
- 11,891 people per square mile, about average for the city of Los Angeles but among the highest densities for the county
- The percentage of white people is high for the county.
- Moderately diverse for the city of Los Angeles and moderately diverse for the county
- $67,647 median household income (2008 dollars), high for the city of Los Angeles but about average for the county
- In Los Angeles County, Beverly Grove, Palmdale and Pico-Robertson have the most similar household incomes.
- The percentage of households earning $125,000 and up is high for the county.
- 49.3% of residents 25 and older have a four-year degree, high for the city of Los Angeles and high for the county
- In Los Angeles County, Beverlywood, Santa Monica and Hollywood Hills have the nearest percentage of residents 25 and older with a four-year degree.
- The percentages of residents 25 and older with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree or higher are high for the county.
- The median age is 35, about average for the city of Los Angeles and about average for the county
- In Los Angeles County, Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw, Burbank and Claremont have similar median ages.
- The percentages of residents ages 19 to 34 and 35 to 49 are among the county's highest.
- The percentages of never married males, divorced males, never married females and divorced females are among the county's highest.
- There are 959 families headed by single parents. The rate is 13.6%, about average for the city of Los Angeles and about average for the county
- There are 2,409 veterans, or 7.4% of the population, about average for the city of Los Angeles and about average for the county overall
- The percentage of veterans who served during Vietnam is among the county's highest.
Ancestry and immigration
- Mexican (13.0%) and German (8.3%) are the most common ancestries.
- 8,413 (22.3%) of residents are foreign born, low for the city of Los Angeles and low for the county. Mexico (38.4%) and United Kingdom (8.5%) are the most common foreign places of birth.
The neighboring communities are Culver City, Del Rey, Marina del Rey, Mar Vista, Playa del Rey and Santa Monica.
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